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Showing posts from December, 2015

House Unseen. Life Unscripted.: Earrings (and other jewelry) giveaway. Perfect sto...

House Unseen. Life Unscripted.: Earrings (and other jewelry) giveaway. Perfect sto... : A long, long, long, looooong time ago, a reader named Elizabeth sent me a beautiful pair of Our Lady of Mount Carmel earrings that she made... Dwija' s honesty is refreshing. Who hasn't in their life forgotten  to follow through some small promise? What a nice way to do reparation by  organizing a special giveaway . Hurry , it will end Wednesday. A bientot, S.F

Un petit coucou

Just dropping in for a quick fun photo of cupcakes the girls and I made:) A Bientot! S.F                  

Things I learnt in November

The weather was rather mild and we loved it! Thanksgiving in short sleeves ...yes please:) What I have learned this month? 1- I discovered that  Julie   started a new channel at Periscope .  She has some useful info about writing and she is doing a free workshop tomorrow for children if you want to check it out. 2- For fun fashion and to bring a smile  I follow Mode personnelle .  Check it out . It is a great way to practice French at the same time! 3-It is the time to have Christian Hope and to be Thankful even when it seems that darkness is everywhere.  4- If you want to join in Advent devotion it isn't too late. I am doing Advent Reflections with St Francis :Daily Reflection By : Diane M. Houdek  Franciscan Media / 2013 / Paperback  A great little book, inexpensive to get you started and it takes 5 minutes max....