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Showing posts from November, 2015

A Happy Thanksgiving

Are you ready for Thanksgiving? Today was preparation of the cranberry sauce, cut vegetables and the indispensable apple pie ! It always annoys me to throw out the left over pastry. Sometimes, I make a small tart with it,  but today I decided to do it differently. What do you think? I wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and if you have to work I hope you will still have time to be with your love ones. A bientot

Book Review :Wayward( Pines 2 ) by Blake Crouch

Hi, Do you remember Wayward part 1?  So I read part 2....It is was so much better. More actions, details a bout the society and the conundrum is explain. The author creates a 3 dimensional society. The characters are not those card board evil or good people but complex and at some part  chilling individuals. A summary from Goodread: " Welcome to Wayward Pines, population 461. Nestled amidst picture-perfect mountains, the idyllic town is a modern-day Eden...except for the electrified fence and razor wire, snipers scoping everything 24/7, and the relentless surveillance tracking each word and gesture. None of the residents know how they got here. They are told where to work, how to live, and who to marry. Some believe they are dead. Others think they’re trapped in an unfathomable experiment. Everyone secretly dreams of leaving, but those who dare face a terrifying surprise. Ethan Burke has seen the world beyond. He’s sheriff, and one of the few who knows the truth—Waywa...

Un peu d'humour

A Istanbul, l’art a un air de défi Le Monde | 16.11.2015 à 16h18 • Mis à jour le 19.11.2015 à 11h24 | Par Harry Bellet (Istanbul) En savoir plus sur This is pretty much a good summary of my week and a little "clin d'oeil "to Art. Bonne fin de semaine. S.F  

What I learned in October

We were free computer for most of October. It was liberating, frustrating and annoying. A good reminder that technology is a tool to be use to simplify our life not to be dependent on. A smile and to be a good listener might be what people need. Sometimes, people come to talk not to have answers but just to be listen to:) A prayer  will go a long way. Don't be afraid to stand for what you believe:) Small steps are better than to stay stuck . Finally, to be embarrassed( courtesy of little ones)  never killed anyone only pride. Happy Saint Day! !